Make Money With Artificial Intelligence

Legal Policy

Here you can read the legal policies of If you have any doubts, you can contact us. All the policies you will find here summarize all the issues related to legality. However, at the bottom of the page, you will find links to different policies in different areas, which you can visit if you wish.

About Responsibility

We exempt ourselves from any kind of responsibility arising from the information published on this website and from the lack of availability of the same (due to what is colloquially called server crashes). This may occur from time to time, in addition to periodic denials of service, due to technical maintenance reasons. Additionally, we reserve the right to modify any kind of information that may appear on the website, without the obligation to previously notify or inform users of the obligations, which is understood as sufficient with the publication of this information.

About Sponsored Posts (Articles)

It’s possible that some of the posts (articles) you may read on this website are sponsored by third parties. This is a method of financing for this website and may contain third-party content. Nevertheless, we strive to maintain a strict «fair advertising policy». For this reason, the majority of the posts (articles) you can see on have been created to be as informative as possible.

Display Banners (Advertising)

It’s possible that some of the banners displayed on this website are sponsored by third-party companies. Even though they may contain third-party generated content, we strive to maintain strict guarantees that the advertising is fair and not suggestive. For this reason, the majority of the banners you will see on have been strictly reviewed and filtered with the utmost observation possible, to make them «as informative as possible».

Cookies and Advertising uses cookies to determine what kind of ads should be displayed throughout the website. When users access, cookies will be stored on their browsers.

Almost all advertising providers (including Google) use the cookie system to display the most relevant ads possible based on the websites you have previously visited and the cookies that this website may place on your browser. Typically, the use of cookies for advertising allows the Google Adsense company to show ads related to the maximum information that can be provided to the user.

Users can disable personalized ads if they wish. To do so, they must access the «Ad Preferences» tab or they can also do so by accessing «». This allows them to disable the use of cookies provided for personalized advertising, not only for Google Adsense but also by any other providers.

If third-party ad postings have not been disabled, cookies from other providers besides Google Adsense and/or other advertising networks that may also be used to post ads from other websites can be used.

Social Media Channel Promotions

We are allowed to promote on our third-party social media networks and blogs, as we usually use various promotion channels. It may also be the case that third-party company posts (articles) are promoted on these channels.

Affiliate links within content

We usually use affiliate links, which provide information about products and/or services from various brands/companies with which we establish advertising programs beforehand. Such links are used exclusively after a rigorous and prior study of the qualities of some products that we wish to promote. is committed to not including such affiliate links arbitrarily and/or in cases where the conditions we have described earlier are not met. Nevertheless, there are some pages within this same website that are from third parties and are updated regularly, so it may be the case that some links may not be completely up to date.

We usually invest most of our effort, work, and knowledge in trying to ensure that links are always completely updated 100% during 24/7. Despite our constant effort, it could happen that broken links or links pointing to offers/promotions that are no longer operational in third-party locations are found.

If you want to buy/acquire a product/service without using affiliate links, we remind you that you should «Clear the browser cookies history» just before making the payment. Nevertheless, you should know that when a purchase/contract is made from our affiliate link, not only will you not pay more for using it, but you can also acquire/buy with a discount and/or special promotion, so you may end up paying less.

Privacy Policy

You can consult everything related to the privacy policy here.

Cookie Usage

This website uses some cookies. You can learn more about them here.