Make Money With Artificial Intelligence

Cookie Policy

At we use some cookies to facilitate the use of this website. Cookies are small information files that allow us to compare and understand how our users navigate through our website, and thus we can improve navigation processes accordingly. The cookies we use do not store any personal data, nor any type of information that can identify you.

If you do not want our cookies to be installed, please configure your Internet browser to delete them from your computer’s hard drive, block them, and notify you in case of any installation. To continue without changes in the cookie settings, simply continue on the website. You can obtain more information about cookies and their use on Wikipedia.

The types of cookies we use are:

Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the proper use of the website, allowing access to sections that have security filters. Without these cookies, many of the services available would not be operational.

Navigation Cookies: These cookies collect information about the use that visits make of the website, such as pages viewed, loading errors… It is generic and anonymous information, where no personal data is included, nor is information collected that identifies visitors; the ultimate goal being to improve the functioning of the website. By visiting our website, you accept the installation of these cookies on your device.

Functional Cookies: These cookies allow us to remember information (such as your username, language, or region) and more personal characteristics. For example, the ability to offer personalized content based on information and criteria you have voluntarily provided.

These cookies can also be used to remember changes made to the size of text, fonts, and other customizable parts of the website. They are also used to provide some requested services, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog.

The information collected by these cookies may be anonymous and cannot be tracked on other websites.

By visiting our website, you agree to the installation of these cookies on your device.

Cómo administrar las cookies en los ordenadores

Si quieres permitir el uso de cookies de nuestro site, por favor sigue las siguientes instrucciones. Google Chrome

  1. Al abrir el navegador, pincha “herramientas” en la parte superior y selecciona la pestaña de “opciones”.
  2. Dentro de opciones, pincha “privacidad”.
  3. Marca “permitir la administración de cookies”.

This are the Cookies we use

We use several third-party services that install cookies from

Google Adwords:

It is Google’s tool that allows publishing ads on its search engine. Google Adwords cookies allow us to measure the success of our advertising campaigns by calculating the amount of sales generated by each campaign. You can find it in your browser settings under Google Adwords.

Google Analytics

It is the application we use to obtain and analyze usage statistics of According to their privacy policy, Google may use this data to improve their own services and to offer services to other companies. Google Analytics does NOT store names, surnames, emails, or postal addresses.

The type of information stored includes language, location (at a city level), frequency and recurrence of visits, time of visit, browser and operating system, origin of the visit, etc.

At, we use this information to continuously improve our website. You can view them in your browser settings as Google Analytics cookies.

Amazon Affiliate Program:

It is an advertising program for affiliates designed to offer websites a way to earn advertising commissions by advertising and including links to Amazon websites. Affiliate cookies are installed on the referred links that redirect the user to the Amazon website to calculate commissions for sales to customers who access it from the Site.

More info: (

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  • Legal Notice
  • Privacy policy